The Top 6 Pop Culture Moments That Broke the Internet

The internet is a vast and all-encompassing entity that has the power to connect us all. It's the place where we share our thoughts, ideas, and experiences. It's also the platform where most of our pop culture moments occur, some of which have the power to literally "break the internet." These moments are so impactful, so viral, that they practically halt all other online activity as users rush to view, share, and discuss them. Here, we take a look at the top six pop culture moments that broke the internet.

Beyoncé's Pregnancy Announcement

When Beyoncé announced her pregnancy with twins on Instagram in February 2017, the internet went wild. The post became the most-liked on Instagram, amassing over 11 million likes in a matter of hours. It was a moment of pure joy and celebration, and the internet couldn't get enough.

The Ellen DeGeneres Oscar Selfie

Who can forget the epic selfie taken by Ellen DeGeneres during the 2014 Oscars? With a crowd of A-list celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, and Bradley Cooper, the star-studded photo quickly became the most retweeted tweet of all time. The internet was flooded with re-creations, parodies, and memes, making it a moment that will forever be entrenched in pop culture history.

The Dress Debate

In 2015, a photo of a dress posted on Tumblr caused a massive debate online. Was the dress blue and black or white and gold? Friends became foes as they argued over the color of the dress. The debate was so widespread that it was even covered by major news outlets, proving once again the sheer power of the internet.

Pokemon Go Craze

In the summer of 2016, the world was hit by the Pokemon Go craze. The game, which uses augmented reality to allow players to catch virtual Pokemon in real-world locations, became an instant hit. People of all ages were seen wandering the streets, parks, and even invading private properties to catch their favorite Pokemon. It was a phenomenon unlike any other, causing a significant spike in internet traffic.

The Ice Bucket Challenge

One of the most viral internet trends of all time, the Ice Bucket Challenge, took place in the summer of 2014. It was a campaign to raise awareness for ALS where participants would dump a bucket of ice-cold water over their heads and then challenge others to do the same. From celebrities to everyday people, everyone was getting involved. The challenge not only broke the internet but also helped to raise millions of dollars for ALS research.

Royal Wedding Fever

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot in May 2018, the world was watching. The royal wedding was streamed live on various platforms, allowing people from across the globe to witness the grand event. The internet was abuzz with discussions about the bride's dress, the celebrity guest list, and every detail of the lavish ceremony. It was a moment of worldwide fascination, proving once again that the internet is the ultimate stage for pop culture moments.

These are just a few examples of the many moments in pop culture history that have broken the internet. They are a testament to the power of the digital world, and how it can bring us all together in shared experiences. Whether it's a celebrity announcement, a viral challenge, or a global event, the internet is the place where these moments come to life. It's a fascinating reminder of the impact of pop culture in our digital age.